Storm Damage & Insurance Claims

Got Damage?

Storm damage is a common threat to a roof. If you live in Georgia, you know we get storms. Wind storms, hail, tornadoes, and hurricanes all mean bad news for your roof. The good news is your roof is a covered item on your home insurance policy. With only your deductible to pay, major roof repair or replacement costs can be completely covered by your insurance company.

How does the insurance claim process work?

  1. A claim is filed with your insurance company to notify them of damage. This is a simple 5-minute phone call.
  2. Your insurance company schedules a meeting time and sends an adjuster to assess the damage. Your insurance will not charge you for this meeting.
    Tip: It is best to have us present at this meeting to ensure that all damage is properly documented for your benefit and to expedite repairs. Our presence at this meeting is complimentary. After all, we work for you!
  3. If enough evidence of storm damage is found, your claim will be approved. At that point, your insurance company will issue you your first payment check along with your claim summary paperwork. In most cases, this initial payment is not the total amount your insurance will pay for the replacement of your roof. Tip: Need help understanding how to read your insurance claim summary? Just ask us!
  4. We perform the covered replacement or repairs and submit our notice of completion to your insurance company. If additional items of concern are discovered, like rot, we work with your insurance company to get this added to your claim summary paperwork.
  5. Your insurance company will release your second check, known as the “depreciation” which includes the final balance for the work completed. That’s it!


We strive to be as transparent as possible with our customers and with helping them through the insurance claim process. If you have any other questions, please contact us and ask away!

What is storm damage, and how do I know if I qualify for an insurance covered replacement?

Have you been denied in the past?

After having their claim denied the first time, many homeowners give up on trying to get their roof replaced. What many don't realize is that was just the FIRST time, you have a right to request a re-inspection.
We’re experts in getting your claim approved the second time around. We’ve personally helped many folks to get their initially denied claim to be reinspected and ultimately approved, even months after the claim was initially called in. If you're curious what the process is to revisit an old claim or what we do to help you get your claim approved, please call us today.


If you have damage, don't wait!

Storm damage has an expiration date with your insurance company. The insurance company is only concerned about their obligation for “Act of God” claims, not damage that occurs over time or because of an owner's negligence to handle repairs. This is why claim summary paperwork is specific about how much time you have to complete your repairs. By replacing or repairing the roof as soon as possible, you avoid future leaks and problems your insurance WON’T cover.

Frequently Asked Questions

1Will my rates go up if I call in a claim?
There are many factors that go into answering this question, including your policy coverage, prior claim history, your loss type and how long you have been with your carrier. The best source for the answer is your local insurance agent. Based on a storm damage claim being considered an “Act of God'' or not the homeowners fault, we find it very uncommon that your rates will increase if you file a claim. As roofing contractors we deal with hundreds of customers, insurance companies, and claims, and we rarely ever hear of our customers rates increasing.
2How much will it “really” cost me to use my insurance to replace my roof?
Your deductible and that's it. As long as all of your damage is covered and included on your insurance adjusters report, you will never have to pay a penny more than your deductible. We don’t believe in hidden fees and pop up costs at C. T. Bates Roofing.
3If I suspect roof damage, who should I contact first?
If you suspect roof damage after a storm, you should contact a reputable roofing contractor in Georgia first. A state licensed contractor like C. T. Bates Roofing can assess the damage, verify it was caused by a storm, and help you file an insurance claim.
4Will my roofing contractor be there during the insurance adjuster’s inspection?
Absolutely. Once we complete the initial free inspection, you can contact the insurance company to schedule the inspection from the adjuster. We will be happy to meet with the adjuster to verify that a storm did in fact cause the damage. Tip: C. T. Bates Roofing will not charge you for the initial inspection or for meeting with the adjuster. We like to use those opportunities to show you our attention to detail and our unparalleled customer service.
5What do insurance adjusters look for when inspecting the roof damage?
The same things we look for during our free inspection, storm damage. To qualify for roof replacement coverage, the adjuster will need to identify signs of wind damage, hail damage or damage caused from falling limbs or other flying debris. The inspector will also look for signs of damage, such as curling, creased, broken or hail bruised shingles. Or any other obvious signs of damage in and around your home.
6Can I get more than one estimate for roof repairs?
Yes, you can. However, multiple estimates are not always necessary. You simply need to make sure that the contractor will charge equal to or less than the insurance company’s estimate. This however does not mean you should choose the cheapest estimate and pocket what's left over. We’ve seen this time and time again and are here to tell you that deciding to go with a contractor that far underbids all other estimates is a recipe for disaster. The homeowners that choose to do so end up paying much, much more in the long run. Visit our “Why Choose Us” page to learn more about the dangers of choosing the wrong contractor.